New SIT Training Package Announcement

Bar April 2022
Chefs preparing meals in the kitchen

Here at Didasko Learning Resources, preparations are well and truly underway for the launch of the new SIT training package. We have several units in development, and we can’t wait to release them to you once SIT 21 is published on Current projections estimate the package will be published on the national register in late May, meaning we are likely only weeks away from commencing the rollout of our new resources.

The new training package has been designed to reflect industry trends, instill relevant skills and current work practices, and optimise employment outcomes for students.

DLR’s SIT 21 resources maintain the company’s commitment to dynamic learning materials, compliant assessments and supporting tools. Our engaging digital content and comprehensive activities have received upgrades across the board, and are sure to meet your institution’s assessment and delivery needs.

Didasko Learning Resources will gradually release units within the following qualifications over the coming months:

SIT20421: Certificate II in Cookery (previously SIT20416 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations)

SIT30821: Certificate III in Commercial Cookery (previously SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery)

SIT31021: Certificate III in Patisserie (previously SIT31016 Certificate III in Patisserie)

SIT40521: Certificate IV in Kitchen Management (previously SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery)

These qualifications listed above are all equivalent to their SIT 16 predecessors, so, despite the changes made to the units across each qualification, there is no need to reapply for SCOPE to teach the SIT 21 versions [i] .


Units within other SIT disciplines such as Travel, Tourism, Hospitality, and Events will start development once they are endorsed and published on You can keep up to date with the release of our exciting new SIT 21 resources here.



If you are interested in purchasing our resources for the new training package, inquire now!

P: 1300 554 100




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