Online Foundation Skills – Arriving late 2020
September 2020Partnering with RTO Learning Materials, online Foundation Skills (FSK) will soon be available for purchase on your Didasko platform.
The need for Foundation Skills
The FSK training Package plays a key role in building strong employability skills for the workforce and is important in participation of everyday life. The FSK training package was originally developed to assist Australian’s improve their literacy and numeracy skills, particularly in Vocational Education and Training (VET). FSK includes the key skills identified in the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) act, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy[1].
Identified as essential by employers, FSK remains a priority in the work and training environment, as individuals need to continuously develop their skills to new contexts, industry changes and technological advancements[2]. According to the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults, 40% of Australians do not have the Foundation Skills required to participate in the modern economy[3]. This result poses a strong threat to Australia’s future productivity levels and indicates the significance of improving the nations Foundation Skill sets.
Benefits of Foundation Skills
The importance of Foundation Skills in a knowledge-driven society is well known, as they aim to promote workplace participation, productivity and social inclusion. People with higher language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills are more likely to engage in their community and gain opportunities into training programs[3].
According to the Adult Literacy and Life Skills survey (ALLS), improving individual’s LLN skills from level 1 to level 3, maximises the likelihood of labour force participation by 15%. Industries who have participated in LLN development have stated that it has improved staff confidence and cooperation amongst workers[4].
Job opportunities for students
Students who undertake the FSK training package can be qualified for entry-level positions. Foundation skills are at the forefront of workplaces, catering to a range of industries including community and personal service workers, retail, trade, education and training, as well as accommodation and food services.
Identifying your learners’ skills gap
The FSK training package encourages Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to select units that target learner gaps in literacy and numeracy. In order to do so, it is ideal that learners have done a pre-training outline assessment, identifying those who need more support.
Determining the foundation skill level of learners can be collected in several ways:
Indictive ACSF assessment
Indictive assessments involve an informal interview between training providers and an individual, prior to starting their course[5]. The individual is asked to discuss their background and undertake writing tasks. This can assist a trainer in distinguishing the participants communication and writing skills.
Diagnostic ACSF assessment
This type of assessment is carried out by LLN practitioners and is considered more formal. It can cover a couple of skills in depth, or all. This assessment involves choosing specific activities that would be appropriate for a particular skill to be diagnosed[5]. Diagnostic assessments also consider the individuals background and variables that can affect performance.
Looking towards the future
By 2022, the Australian State and Territory Governments have predicted that at least two thirds of the working population will need to have LLN skills needed to take advantage of opportunities available from Australia’s modern economy[6].
Didasko Learning Resources acknowledges the significance of building Foundation Skills at a national level. Due to this, we have ensured that our new FSK resources will include engaging online assessments, key challenges and further readings, designed to enhance the learning experience.
Content and assessments will be available for the following:
FSK10119 – Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways
- FSKLRG004 -Use short and simple strategies for work-related learning
- FSKLRG008- Use simple strategies for work-related learning
- FSKDIG002- Use digital technology for routine and simple workplace tasks
- FSKNUM008- Use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work
- FSKNUM009- Use familiar and simple metric measurements for work
- FSKNUM012- Use familiar and simple data for work
- FSKNUM013- Construct simple tables and graphs for work
- FSKOCM003- Participate in familiar spoken interactions at work
- FSKRDG005- Read and respond to simple and familiar workplace procedures
- FSKWTG006- Write simple workplace information
FSK10219 – Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways
- FSKLRG008- Use simple strategies for work-related learning
- FSKLRG004- Use short and simple strategies for work-related learning
- FSKLRG011- Use routine strategies for work-related learning
- FSKDIG002- Use digital technology for routine and simple workplace tasks
- FSKDIG003- Use digital technology for non-routine workplace tasks
- FSKLRG009- Use strategies to respond to routine workplace problems
- FSKNUM008- Use whole numbers and simple fractions, decimals and percentages for work
- FSKNUM009- Use familiar and simple metric measurements for work
- FSKNUM012- Use familiar and simple data for work
- FSKNUM013- Construct simple tables and graphs for work
- FSKNUM014- Calculate with whole numbers and familiar fractions, decimals and percentages for work
- FSKNUM015- Estimate, measure and calculate with routine metric measurements for work
- FSKNUM017- Use familiar and routine maps and plans for work
- FSKNUM018- Collect data and construct routine tables and graphs for work
- FSKNUM019- Interpret routine tables, graphs and charts and use information and data for work
- FSKOCM003- Participate in familiar spoken interactions at work
- FSKOCM005- Use oral communication skills for effective workplace presentations
- FSKOCM007- Interact effectively with others at work
- FSKRDG005- Read and respond to simple and familiar workplace procedures
- FSKRDG010- Read and respond to routine workplace information
- FSKWTG006- Write simple workplace information
- FSKWTG009- Write routine workplace texts
FSK20119 – Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
- FSKLRG011- Use routine strategies for work-related learning
- FSKDIG003- Use digital technology for non-routine workplace tasks
- FSKLRG009- Use strategies to respond to routine workplace problems
- FSKNUM014- Calculate with whole numbers and familiar fractions, decimals and percentages for work
- FSKNUM015- Estimate, measure and calculate with routine metric measurements for work
- FSKNUM017- Use familiar and routine maps and plans for work
- FSKNUM018- Collect data and construct routine tables and graphs for work
- FSKNUM019- Interpret routine tables, graphs and charts and use information and data for work
- FSKOCM005- Use oral communication skills for effective workplace presentations
- FSKOCM007- Interact effectively with others at work
- FSKRDG010- Read and respond to routine workplace information
- FSKWTG009- Write routine workplace texts
- Department of Education and Training 2012, Australian Core Skills Framework
- Department of Industry, Innvovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education 2013, Foundation Skills Training Package implementation guide
- Department of Education and Training 2013, National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults
- Australian Beareau of statistics 2011-2012, Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, Australia, cat no. 4228.030.001, ABS, Canberra
- ForestWorks 2014, Growing Skills, a guide for trainers to address foundation skills in the forest, wood, paper and timber products industry
- Department of Education and Training, Fact Sheet Foundation Skills