Packaging Rules

12 units must be completed:

  • 5 core units
  • 7 elective units, consisting of:
    • 3 elective units must be selected from Group A
    • 2 elective units must be selected from Group B
    • for the remaining 2 elective units:
    • up to 2 units may be selected from Groups A and B

Entry Requirements

Entry to this qualification is limited to those who:

Have completed BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication


Have completed the following units (or equivalent competencies): BSBCMM411 Make presentations; BSBCRT412 Articulate, present and debate ideas; BSBMKG433 Undertake marketing activities; BSBMKG435 Analyse consumer behaviour; BSBMKG439 Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry; and BSBWRT411 Write complex documents. Equivalent competencies are predecessors to these units, which have been mapped as equivalent.


Have two years equivalent full-time relevant work experience.

Refer to the qualification page for details.

BSBMKG542 Establish and monitor the marketing mix
BSBMKG555 Write persuasive copy
BSBPMG430Undertake project work
BSBMKG541 Coming SoonIdentify and evaluate marketing opportunities
BSBMKG552 Coming SoonDesign and develop marketing communication plans
Group A – Marketing
BSBMKG543Plan and interpret market research
BSBMKG546Develop social media engagement plans
SIRXOSM007Manage risk to organisational reputation in an online setting
BSBMKG551Coming SoonCreate multiplatform advertisements for mass media
SIRXMKT006Coming SoonDevelop a social media strategy
Group B – Transferable Skills
BSBCMM511Communicate with influence
BSBFIN501Manage budgets and financial plans
BSBPEF501Manage personal and professional development
BSBOPS504Coming SoonManage business risk
BSBSTR501Coming SoonEstablish innovative work environments
BSBTEC404Coming SoonUse digital technologies to collaborate in a work environment