Explore the RTO Works suite of RII Training Resources

RTO Works RII training package units include the following:

Assessment – includes mapping, assessor resources (with project portfolio templates and simulation pack and documents as needed that include assessor guidance and benchmarks), assessor marking guide, student resources (with the student versions of the assessor resources inclusions), and student assessment tasks.

Training – includes a slideshow, student guide, trainer guide and trainer guide mapping.

User resources – include Civil Construction Works Trainer and Assessor User Guide and Civil Construction Student User Guide.

12 units across 1 qualification

Civil Construction
RII60520Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design
BSBPMG532 Manage project quality
BSBPMG534 Manage project human resources
BSBPMG632 Manage program risk
BSBSTR601 Manage innovation and continuous improvement
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
BSBWHS616 Apply safe design principles to control WHS risks
RIICWD512EPrepare detailed design of motorways and interchanges
RIICWD533E Prepare detailed design of civil concrete structures
RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes
RIILAT402E Provide leadership in the supervision of diverse work teams
RIIQUA601E Establish and maintain a quality system
BSBOPS601 Coming SoonDevelop and implement business plans