Packaging Rules

23 units must be completed:

  • 15 core units
  • 8 elective units, consisting of:
    • 5 units from Group A, Group B, Group C or Group D below
    • 3 units from the electives listed below or from any current endorsed Training Package or accredited course
    • All electives chosen must contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.

Note: Units marked with an (*) asterisk have one or more prerequisites.

Refer to the qualification page for details.

SITHCCC023* Use food preparation equipment
SITHCCC027* Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
SITHCCC043* Work effectively as a cook
SITHKOP013* Plan cooking operations
SITXCOM010 Manage conflict
SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget
SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
SITXHRM007 Coach others in job skills
SITXHRM008 Roster staff
SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people
SITXINV006* Receive, store and maintain stock
SITXINV008 Control stock
SITXWHS007Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
BSBTWK501 Coming SoonLead diversity and inclusion
Group A – Cookery and Catering
SITHCCC025*Prepare and present sandwiches
SITHCCC026*Package prepared foodstuffs
SITHCCC028*Prepare appetisers and salads
SITHCCC029*Prepare stocks, sauces and soups
SITHCCC030*Prepare vegetable, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes
SITHCCC031*Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes
SITHCCC035*Prepare poultry dishes
SITHCCC036*Prepare meat dishes
SITHCCC037*Prepare seafood dishes
SITHCCC038*Produce and serve food for buffets
SITHCCC039*Produce pates and terrines
SITHCCC040*Prepare and serve cheese
SITHCCC041*Produce cakes, pastries and breads
SITHCCC042*Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
SITHCCC044*Prepare specialised food items
SITXFSA007*Transport and store food
SITXFSA008*Develop and implement a food safety program
Group B – Patisserie
SITHPAT011*Produce cakes
SITHPAT013*Produce pastries
SITHPAT014*Produce yeast-based bakery products
SITHPAT016*Produce desserts
SITHPAT018*Produce chocolate confectionery
Group C – Kitchen Operations and Management
SITHKOP010Plan and cost recipes
SITHKOP012*Develop recipes for special dietary requirements
SITHKOP014Plan catering for events or functions
Group D – Food and Beverage
SITHFAB021Provide responsible service of alcohol
SITHFAB023*Operate a bar
SITHFAB025*Prepare and serve espresso coffee
SITHFAB027*Serve food and beverage
SITHFAB034*Provide table service of food and beverage
Group E – General electives
SITXCCS014Provide service to customers
SITXCCS015Enhance customer service experiences
SITXFIN008Interpret financial information
SITXINV007Purchase goods
SITXMGT004Monitor work operations
SITXWHS006Identify hazards, assess and control safety risks