SIT, BSB, CHC & FSK training packages
Didasko’s resources can be used in a variety of training environments including classroom, distance, blended and self-paced learning. Our resources can be accessed anytime, anywhere via Didasko Online. Didasko Online is our Learning Management System (LMS) that houses all the learner content, assessment tools and interactions between trainers and learners. Access is simple, easy and designed for desktop computers, tablets and laptops.
SIT – Tourism, Travel and Hospitality
Didasko’s suite of SIT learning resources covers industry sectors such as cookery, customer service, food and beverage, tourism and more. Drawing on industry experts, our resources deliver informative, up-to-date content that engages the learner and can be accessed whenever, wherever and however the learner chooses.
BSB R7 (Precision)
Didasko’s Business units are now available, delivered with full multimedia content to engage minds and motivate learners. Created with a strong industry focus, our content generates engaging and meaningful interaction between students and educators.
NewSIT 16 – Tourism, Travel and Hospitality
Didasko’s suite of SIT learning resources covers industry sectors such as cookery, customer service, food and beverage, tourism and more. Drawing on industry experts, our resources deliver informative, up-to-date content that engages the learner and can be accessed whenever, wherever and however the learner chooses.
CHC (Compliant Learning Resources) – Community Services
Didasko’s partnership with the leading provider Compliant Learning Resources, delivers a range of qualifications, covering Aged Care, Disability Care and Community work.
FSK (RTO Learning Materials)
Didasko’s partnership with industry expert’s RTO Learning Materials, encompasses a range of topics designed to provide learners with key skills in language, literacy and numeracy.